"Learning is all about connection, not curriculum. It's about people, relationships and helping our boys and girls to take their place in the world."

Kyle Thompson


Dip.Ed, M.Sports Mgt, GradDip. Sports Mgt, Voc.Ed(Furn), CertIV Risk Advisor

Kyle Thompson is the seventh principal of SCOTS PGC College and commenced in late 2017.

He is a highly experienced educator and leader with a passion for bringing out the best in people – be it on the sports field, in the classroom or the workplace.

What started as a career in sports, after gaining his Masters in Sports Management, led to a life in education with Kyle discovering his natural aptitude for teaching after time spent coaching professional players and young children cricket, while studying at Sydney University.

After gaining his qualification in education, Kyle went on to spend seven years in the Department of Education and Training in New South Wales, before joining Cranbrook School in Sydney, serving as Sportsmaster for six years. This was followed by 11 years at Brisbane Boys’ College where Kyle led significant change first in his role as Director of Sports and Activities and later as Deputy Headmaster / Head of Senior School.

During this time Kyle contributed significantly to the strategic direction of the College and was instrumental in the activation and ongoing management of a range of initiatives from pastoral care, to student leadership, to classroom learning and pathway creation.

Kyle believes a good education is all about relationships and while much of it involves academics, learning about life and how to take one’s place within it is just as important.