2021 SCOTS PGC College Highschool Campdraft

SCOTS PGC College is proud to present its inaugural Highschool Campdraft at the Warwick Showgrounds from 31 July to 1 August. This is an Australian Campdraft Association affiliated event.

The event will commence on 7.00am both days, with a special event and auction held on Saturday night, commencing at 5.30pm.

We look forward to welcoming young riders and their families from across our community and the region to our inaugural event.


Nominations open 12 July at 7.00am and close on 15 July at 5.00pm.

The event is capped and any registrations beyond this will be allocated to a waiting list.

Nominate here

Categories and events

Event categories include Juvenile (8 – under 13), Junior (13 – under 17) and Associate (17-21) and you must be attending highschool to be eligible to compete.

Download full program here

Event enquiries

If you have an enquiry or would like to find out more, please contact Grace Buchholz via

Phone: 0437 082 305
Email: equestrian@scotspgc.com.au