Introducing… SCOTS MyWay

Working in partnership with higher education and local industry to redefine senior schooling


Starting next year, SCOTS PGC College students will engage in a new and innovative pathway program that redefines the delivery of senior schooling and sees the college work in direct partnership with local universities and industry to strengthen future outcomes.

Designed to help students find their passion, fulfill their potential and pursue their pathway of choice, SCOTS MyWay will see those in Years 10 to 12 participate in one of two clearly defined programs, UniWay or WorkWay.

According to SCOTS PGC Principal Kyle Thompson, MyWay enables students to access a more focused educational experience as they look to pursue further tertiary learning or a direct pathway into industry and the workforce.

“MyWay is about being intentional in our educational delivery and preparing students for the path ahead in a way that’s real, relevant and tailored to their needs,” said Mr Thompson.

“Neither pathway is new to us, nor education, but the defined structure is, and that’s what makes our program unique,” he said.

“In the past, many educational systems and structures have been designed to primarily support traditional academic pathways.

“Vocational education is often delivered as a side stream and thanks to structural challenges like timetabling, opting in can often mean opting out of other school experiences and participating fully in school life.

“Conversations over time with students, parents, educators and industry alike continued to demonstrate the value in re-thinking how we best prepare students to take their place in the world and we’re excited to be in a position where we can truly deliver individualised learning.

“MyWay reflects our belief that all pathways are valuable and valued and regardless of the direction our students take, pursuing excellence remains the goal.

“While UniWay is focused on helping students maximise ATAR scores, access headstart programs and course credits and honing their study skills, WorkWay enables students to engage in real world training, secure nationally recongised qualifications and explore, in depth, industry and workforce opportunities.

“Either way, however, the outcomes we seek to support remain the same – it’s about setting our students up for success by providing them the foundation they’ll need to carve out rewarding careers in the future.”


Beyond enriching the learning experience for students, the program is also geared to benefit the Southern Downs region in more ways than one.

Frasers Livestock Transport Director and SCOTS MyWay Pathway Partner, Warwick Fraser, says equipping students with work-ready skills and providing them access to local opportunities will strengthen the future of regional industry.

“Everyone is looking for employees at the moment that are work ready and come with those building blocks already in place to be skilled and valued employees,” said Mr Fraser.

“We see that those skills are learned in great environments, in team sports and delivered by educators who have practical thinking in mind,” he said.

“The value we see in the MyWay program is that it threads together the educational expertise of SCOTS PGC with real businesses like ours.”


Likewise, University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) Executive Director, Helen Nolan, sees real value in connecting with students and preparing them for university prior to entry.

“UniSQ is delighted to partner with SCOTS PGC College with the MyWay program; it’s truly an innovative approach to learning that will deliver strong outcomes for the community, students and families,” says Ms Nolan.

“We know that when universities are able to work collaboratively with schools and engage with students during those senior years, we’re able to better equip them with the skills needed to navigate tertiary studies,” she said.

“The SCOTS MyWay program offers students the opportunity to not only prepare for university life but to gain course credits and QCE points through UniSQ’s Headstart program.

“Programs like SCOTS MyWay also have an important role to play in ensuring young people living in regional areas can access quality higher education opportunities without having to leave home; that’s good for students and it’s good for communities, too.”

For SCOTS PGC Principal Kyle Thompson, ultimately the MyWay program is about ensuring the success of every student.

“We’ve always been committed to creating pathways that enable our students to maximise future opportunities and through this program, we’re excited to not only further strengthen student outcomes but our relationships with the local community, universities and industry, too.”